Today in earth science i learned about a city with a very funny name, so i made a joke of course, but thats beyond the point. see if you can guess it on this list:
Truth or Consequences, New Mexico - Ahhh the birthplace of the crime drama
Bird in Hand, Pennsylvania - Its such a nice place its worth 2 in the bush
Hot Coffee, Mississippi - Careful not to spill it
Phuket, Indonesia -Not a great vacation spot, "Phuket we're out of here"
Cut and Shoot, Texas - Sounds like Bridgeport
Looneyville, New York - The natives are especially friendly
Billy Goat Hill, Alabama - Bring your banjo
Dead Women Crossing, Oklahoma - The highest concentrated population of women in the world
White Bread Creek, Oklahoma - "we don't take kindly to ryes like you"