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Friday, November 19, 2010

8 ways to make a conversation awkward

I think most of us have probably done this, and its loads of fun, no denying it.

1. Trying to finish someones sentence, but getting it completely wrong with something very strange. Picture this, someone is talking about what sports they like and they say "i like soccer, basketball,and..." then you blurt out "and cock fighting??"...............................conversation DONE
2. Bring up politics. For example say "did you guys hear? Donald Trump might run for president, and against Sarah Palin, well I know who im voting for...".....................conversation DONE
3. Reference everything everyone says to you doing something in prison. for example if someone says "when i shower i use body wash, not soap" you say "oh i remember when i first used body was, it was in prison!"
4. Talk about larping. nuff said................conversation DONE
5. Do pelvic thrusts or jumping jacks, or just run in place.................conversation DONE
6. Constantly mistake what people say for death threats. For Example: them:"yea i made a grilled cheese today" you: "WHAT??!?" them: "a grilled cheese, i made one today" you: "ohh, phew, i thought you said you were gonna stab and kill my face"...................conversation DONE
7. turn everything everyone says into a life lesson or a speech. ex. them: "yea  i love pizza" you: "you will regret eating it when your 86 like me and cant move off the couch, i wish i didn't eat pizza like you when i was a boy but i can't go back now.....etc.etc."......conversation DONE
8. Play the Didgeridoo. You go ahead and try to have a conversation while someone is playing the didgeridoo, it doesn't happen.


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